Welcome to my blog! This is a place where I can share my learning journey. My blog is a collection of questions, ideas, learning in progress and finished work. Please make comments so I can learn more and improve my work. Thanks!
Friday, 8 December 2017
Pick a path #2
I made another pick a path because I had so much fun making the first. This one is about agar.io but I won't give to much away. Again I hope you guys will make one and share it with me. Have fun and comment how many tries it took you to complete this. This one is with my friend Anthony and it was a quick one.
Agar.io skin
After I had so much fun making the first skin I decided to make another. Also I had help from Dwayne. Hopefully you guys have made a few. Please comment about how you went. Hopefully you guys made some pretty awesome skins.
Thursday, 7 December 2017
This is an animation that me and my friends made. It is about agar.io. I had so much fun making it. I hope you enjoy. Maybe you guys could make an animation using google slides. The animation you guys make could be wild and things that are just imaginary. The limit is your imagination and google images.
Cultral groups
For the cultural festival I was in the Mexican group lead by Mrs O'shea. The boys costume was a sombrero and a poncho while the girls wore a red tutu, a green necklace and a red headband. Owairaka has been proud to be the school with the most groups and Owairaka has been proud to be in the Cultural festival for ages. I had lots of fun but sadly I was not able to see the crowd because after every chorus my back was always facing the crowed. If you have the opportunity to do a cultural group I
suggest you do it.
suggest you do it.
Wednesday, 29 November 2017
Pick a path
We made a pick a path for writing. We decided to do a pick a path because 2 people from my class showed us a pick a path slide and it inspired us. Maybe you guys should do a pick a path. I found this extremely fun and if you want to know how to link the slides just comment and I will tell you.
Tuesday, 28 November 2017
My brother is as smart as Albert Einstein,
My brother has a mouth as big as the galaxy.
My brother is as annoying as first place in gota.io savaging you,
My brother is as thin as an easy to snap twig.,
My brother is as tall as a tree,
My brother is as triggered as Donald Trump.
We wrote our own similes because we read a book called "Jason's extraordinary hair" which had lots of similes in it. A simile is when you compare to things using the words like or as. Can you write a cool similes. Share it with me on a comment.
Wednesday, 22 November 2017
Kindness claendar
Wednesday, 18 October 2017
Storyboard about holidays
Today I made a storyboard about what I did in the holidays. I found it easy because I learnt really quickly how to use it. I found this task quite interesting because I usually write about my holidays in a google doc.
Diwali celebration
Today we learnt some interesting facts about Diwali. Some people came in and talked about Diwali. First of all what is Diwali? Diwali is a Hindu celebration that celebrates the New Year. Diwali also stands for "festival of lights".
Diwali is India's most important holiday. Diwali is also a holiday in other country's.
Diwali lasts 5 days. (but they get a 2 week holiday) Each day is important, the first day is the start of the financial year. Second day they celebrated the vanquishing of Naraka who was a evil warlord. Third day the worship of Lakshmi. Fourth day they celebrate when Bali took over his new kingdom it is also the is the new year. Fifth day the day when sisters worship their brothers.
Who is Lakshmi? Lakshmi is the goddess of treasures and good fortune. Lots of people do a small prayer in there homes.
What does Diwali mean? Diwali means rows of lighted lamps. The more lamps they light, the more likely Lakshmi will tempted Lakshmi will be to visit them.
What happens during Diwali ? Gifts are exchanged often sweets or candles.
The ladies from the show that we watched wore a sari. The original lengths of a sari is about 9 metres. I thought the show was really good. The ladies wore bells on there legs that were 7 kg's a bell. I was blown away by that. They have 2 bells so that is 14 kg on there legs. This is a picture of the people who came do a dance.
Diwali is India's most important holiday. Diwali is also a holiday in other country's.
Diwali lasts 5 days. (but they get a 2 week holiday) Each day is important, the first day is the start of the financial year. Second day they celebrated the vanquishing of Naraka who was a evil warlord. Third day the worship of Lakshmi. Fourth day they celebrate when Bali took over his new kingdom it is also the is the new year. Fifth day the day when sisters worship their brothers.
Who is Lakshmi? Lakshmi is the goddess of treasures and good fortune. Lots of people do a small prayer in there homes.
What does Diwali mean? Diwali means rows of lighted lamps. The more lamps they light, the more likely Lakshmi will tempted Lakshmi will be to visit them.
What happens during Diwali ? Gifts are exchanged often sweets or candles.
The ladies from the show that we watched wore a sari. The original lengths of a sari is about 9 metres. I thought the show was really good. The ladies wore bells on there legs that were 7 kg's a bell. I was blown away by that. They have 2 bells so that is 14 kg on there legs. This is a picture of the people who came do a dance.
Wednesday, 27 September 2017
IN my free time I made another animation. This animation was made by Antonio, Dwayne and I. We spent quite a long time on it. I hope you like it. If you want to make one you must have a google account go on drive and create a slide. Then if you make a slide. Then duplicate the slide and move it bit by bit.
Gaver.io skin
Using pixlr I made this agar.io skin. I had some help from Dwayne who came up with the idea and helped me with actually making it. This was before.
This is after.
If you want to know how to do this according to a video. Search up "how to make a custom gaver.io skin" I hope that if you make a skin it looks cool and comment what skin you made. Have fun creating :P
Monday, 25 September 2017
Brainstorm for Mindcraft the Musical recount
Kauri team (year 5, 6) Owairaka Primary School.
Mindcraft the Musical
Owairaka Primary School New Zealand
Week 5 to 9 term 3
Our inquiry unit focus was the art.
Kauri team got split into different sections (choir, props and marketing, props for the characters)
What was your role/s?
I was setting up the stage every time it was scene change. I was also in the choir and props for the characters)
How did you go in your role/s?
I worked hard and in the choir I remembered the words of the songs. In the props for the characters I painted the heads so it would look realistic.
What was challenging?
Remembering all the songs in about a week. Trying to get the paint colour just right.
What was most enjoyable?
Singing and having friends to do the production with.
Any tips for people doing a production in the future?
Try hard and be persistent (if you fail in something then don't say “I quit” say “Even though I made a mistake I will keep on trying”)
Synopsis- What was it about? It was about a boy called Joe who was a fan of dj dragon (The ender dragon in minecraft) Joe was the one millionth fan and got a chance to meet him. (The family is addicted to things on the internet). The family went on a crazy adventure and then the dragon is to weak to fly or breathe fire. All this took 4 hours. (Not in real life) :-P
Recount: We were split into different classes or as known as groups. One group was making advertisements for the musical. Props made props for the character and stage. Choir practised songs. The mains were Joe-a boy obsessed with minecraft and dj dragon played by Melbourne in room 23. Ender dragon Obsessed with power played by Cleo in room 23 Three witches who made potions and obeyed the dragon played by Fatima room 22 Mala room 23 and Christine room 23. The mum who is obsessed with shopping played by Claire room 23. The dad Chris has to work 24/7 to pay the debt played by Soloman in room 22. Herobrine a spy for the dragon played by vaughn room 20. Wither the dragons second in command played by maxine room 20. Grandma hates technology played by Lukas room 23. Scratch the dog can talk in minecraft and when they go back home Scratch can talk. Notch a glitch in the game (the game creator.) Also the cousin of herobrine played by Olivia. There were props people who set up the stage for the next scene. They were Dwayne, Lahtel, Jayden, Vegas and me.
This is a recount and things about the production for you to read. I hope you came to the production and I hoped you liked it if you did not come There will be some videos and pictures on the school facebook page Written by Rachel Sutherland. In association with 'takeabowproductions.org"
Speech intro
Do you want to avoid getting hit in the stomach or hit on the head by something? Getting hit by something that you wish you hadn’t, well today I’m going to provide you with the answer to avoid all these things. The answer? Open up gaming clubs in schools. It’s that simple. Hi my name is Ethan and today I am going to talk to you about why their should be gaming clubs in schools. Did you know that over 1.8 billion people play video games that’s like 1/6th of the world's population.
If you are wondering what this writing is its my speech intro. I was in the top ten of the class speeches. We had to aim for three minutes to 3 minutes 30. One tip if you are nervous don't look at everybody only look at your friends.
Thursday, 14 September 2017
Science slideshow
For science week we went to different classes and did different science expirements. This slideshow shows all the information that we learnt. Hope you like it and if I got anything wrong please correct me. :)
Wednesday, 9 August 2017
My learning journal
For parent student teacher interviews we had to make a learning journal. Here is mine hope you like what I achieved and hope to achieve.
Wednesday, 2 August 2017
Being organised
This week I have been organised by getting all my stuff ready for school, (getting my Chromebook charged, packing my lunch, getting my clothes ready) and when I get to school I play until the first bell at 8:30 and then I put my bag up pull down the chairs and then I put my Chromebook in the right spot if I brang it home. Then I go out knowing that I have gotten everything ready. Then I can enjoy the rest of the day without worrying about having to get, something organised.
Monday, 31 July 2017
Minecraft excel
We are doing a musical called Mindcraft the Musical and no I did not spell that wrong. For the musical we were given a task. We had to create a Minecraft related excel. I decided to do Herobrine because he is the evil person and he was the only person that I could think of when we had to choose. I used google sheets and coloured each block one by one. I did this in under a hour. Which is pretty good for me. It was really fun making this.
Friday, 7 July 2017
Free writing
Every Monday we have this little session where we can write about anything we want. This is my slide show where I put my free writing in. Hopefully you enjoy these pieces of writing. Another person that was working with me is Ossian. His blog is:odsossianm.blogspot.co.nz. Look at his blog please.
Tankionline animation
For my free time I decided to do an animation. This animation is about one of my favourite games. Hopefully you guys enjoy this little animation. I worked on this with Ossian and Jethro. Sadly Jethro had to move. But here is his old blog:odsjethrom.blogspot.com
Wednesday, 5 July 2017
What is Matariki called in Japan?
How many stars can japan see for Matariki?
How do we tell if it will be a good year for planting?
How many stars can we see when Matariki comes around?
Does the Matariki call upon the maori new year?
Who came up with the name Matariki?
Are the other names of the stars Waiti, Waita Waipuna Rangi, tupuanuku, tupuarangi and ururangi?
Are there about a thousand stars?
How long do scientists think Matariki will survive before the stars drift apart?
Is Matariki important?
For Matariki we had to do a little project. My project is writing some questions for you guys to answer. If you guys know the answers or some of them, type it in the comments. I'll let you know if you are right
Thursday, 29 June 2017
Motat trip
We went to Motat and then the next day we made a video about what we did and here is mine. I really hope you like it. :)
Chapter chat
We did chapter chat for a few weeks and we had to put our projects on to a slideshow. Chapter chat was really fun and I joyed doing the projects. Here is my slideshow for the chapter chat. Hope you enjoy it.
Tuesday, 13 June 2017
My perfect last day.
It was a extremely sunny day. I had just been to Pb Tech at Queen Street. While I was over there I bought the best gaming setup in the entire world. Now I am setting it up. 5 gaming screens, gaming mouse and keyboard. Best of all, a really nice gaming chair. Lots virtual reality headsets and a wheel for racing games. I had also just gotten Skype so I can Skype with lots of famous you tubers and my friends. We had decided we would play games all day. But then we could not decide on a game. We ended up playing league of legends most of us had just started so we spent a whole bunch of money on it so we were awesome. We had made a plan. Me and Jumbo would go up and everyone else would go and sneak around and ambush. We were dominating everyone that we versed so we decided to make a little clan. We had unlimited snacks and drinks. We beat EVERYONE.
We were given this writing task. The task was to plan our perfect day. Also if it was our last day.
Thursday, 4 May 2017
Science in a van
Today we had a really cool visit from the people from ‘science in a van’. They taught us lots of new things and it was extremely fun waiting for something to happen. In the morning session we learned about the energy wanting to go one place but something was pulling it the other way. To demonstrate they put a cup full of water on a piece of cardboard with string attached to it and then they grabbed the strings and swung the cardboard around and the cup nor the water fell of the cardboard. They also said that nothing moves without pull or push force and to demonstrate that they pulled a table cloth and it did not move the cups. That was because of friction. Their was not enough friction to make the cups move.
After the morning session they taught us about atoms and how we can use our senses to identify an object. To do that he got 5 volunteers and put blindfolds on 4 of them. One he put gloves on. They had to use one sense to identify a given object.
I learnt that there are 3 states of matter
- Solid
- Liquid
- Gas
I also learnt that when lots of tiny atoms join together they make a molecule.
Another cool thing I learnt was when you put dry ice or C2O into a container and shut the lid the container would blow up.
I had a really great time watching ‘Science in a Van’. I learnt lots of new, interesting, information about states of matter and I would highly recommend it to anyone else who had the opportunity to watch it. It was the best science show I have ever watched.
We had a visit from the people working for 'Science in a van'. It was really fun watching them do lots of little science tricks. I hope you enjoy this little piece of writing about 'Science in a van'. The people who came to our school was Adam (in the picture below) and Emily.
Wednesday, 3 May 2017
Holiday writing
Movie review-Guardians of the galaxy vol 2
On the last day of the school holidays I went to the movies to watch Guardians of the galaxy. My favourite part was at the beginning when they were fighting the giant monster and baby groot was dancing. To be honest I would rate that movie a 5/5 mainly because of the action. My favourite characters are Yondu because of his weapon. All Yondu has to do is whistle and the arrow will obey. My other favourite character is baby groot. Baby groot is really funny and when he gets sad his eyes go all big and watery.
After the school holidays we had to write about one thing that we did in the holidays. I picked going to watch Guardians of the galaxy vol 2. I hope you enjoy my little movie review about Guardians of the galaxy vol 2.
After the school holidays we had to write about one thing that we did in the holidays. I picked going to watch Guardians of the galaxy vol 2. I hope you enjoy my little movie review about Guardians of the galaxy vol 2.
Thursday, 30 March 2017
Chapter chat
For chapter chat we had to do one task and put it on this slideshow. This is two activities that I chose to do out of the 8 activities. Hope you enjoy:). For the Kahoot you say the answers in the comment section. I will say if you are right or not.
Friday, 17 March 2017
This week we did a timeline about important moments in my life. I found the task pretty easy. I learnt how to save this from the website to the PDF that this is.
Friday, 10 March 2017
Green day activity
For green day we had to either make a poster, slide about the life of a piece of rubbish, slide about we are lucky the earth provides us with... and some other things that I forgot. Hope you like this. Me and my two friends made it.
Thursday, 2 March 2017
Today me and my buddy Tamati made a slideshow for similes. We found this task a 5 out of ten.
Friday, 17 February 2017
Google drawing about me.
Wednesday, 15 February 2017
Holiday writing
Mum, dad
And brother
Late December
Around NZ then to australia. (part I am writing about is the milford sounds.)
Very strong smell of sea salt
Dolphins, Orcas, trees, caves and birds hunting.
Waves smashing on the boat, The engines groaning.
A large amount of salt.
A tiny bit of salt.
This was the best cruise I have been on.
In late December my mum, dad, brother and I went on a ship for the holidays. The ship's name was ‘Radiance of the Seas’. As my mum, dad, Lucas my brother and I sauntered outside of the awesome Radiance Of the Seas I felt the hefty wind blowing against my face. I held tightly onto the handrail and was not really surprised that the handrail was consumed by salt. I then realised I saw something blowing out of the water. I thought I was crazy until a Orcha jumped out of the water causing a humongous splash. Then as I watched amazed they disappeared. Probably to continue their journey.
Just moments later I heard some clicking like a dolphin would make. When I looked in the direction the clicking was coming from, I saw a pod of dolphins. Just wandering around the open sea. They were magnificent.
As I got bored of watching the dolphins I looked around and saw lots of seagulls hunting. I have never seen that before so it was awesome. I looked in another direction and saw a bird which was going away from land so I was puzzled what that bird was doing so far out to sea?
The sights were magnificent that day and so was the rest of the cruise.
By Ethan
After the Christmas holidays we had to write about one thing that we did. I am writing about the Milford Sounds. Hope you enjoy.
Waitangi day poster
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