
Tuesday, 30 June 2015

200 word chalenge

I was in a old, creaky house and a enormous, terrifying tornado just appeared out of nowhere. As I felt myself spinning I thought, what is that?

My friend just realized that we were in the middle of a tornado spinning and for some strange reason the house curtains just shut for 5 seconds then it opened. I thought this house is living and then the cranky, old house just broke to pieces. It rebuilt itself and had a fight with the tornado while I was on a piece of wood, holding on for my life.

The tornadoThe gigantic tornado grew fierce and it just fought the old cranky house. Surprisingly, the tornado ran away like a kid that just got scared by a jaguar. The fight must have felt like being hit by a car.Screenshot 2015-06-29 at 10.08.31.png

went back up to the sky and the house rebuilt itself. The sky turned blue and then sun rose into the sky. It was an ordinary day again, no tornado and no weird fighting house.

 This is a 200 word story challenge hope you enjoy.

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