Super Squirrel 
I used my imagination to described a typical day in the life of a Super Squirrel!
I am Super squirrel and I was born to save the world. I am known as the mighty squirrel. I have solved heaps of crimes since I ever ate the super nuts. My family does know. I live in a super secret tree. I came from the my home planet nuto.
The bank has been robbed. Be careful the robbers are armed so make your arrest unexpected. I rushed to the scene and the robbers are getting away. I raced after them. Luckily I am one one the fastest things in the world. I pick up the car and take the two robbers out of the car. They gave me nuts and I dropped them and raced after the nuts and grabbed them. I ate them like it was my favourite thing in the world to do. The robbers got arrested by the military. My arch enemy came the nut destroyer. I punched him and he fell. I arrested him. Two crimes in one day. The nut destroyer escaped and he is more powerful. Surprise Boof. I got knocked out. When I was conscious I found myself in nut destroyers lab. I made an unexpected attack. You are going to jail. I put him in the supercell. No one has escaped the super cell.
My reward time. I go into my secret lair and go to the super safe vault unlock it with the super code went inside and ate some nuts. Another victory for super squirrel. Aka (as known as) The mighty squirrel.
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